An example payload for one transaction (donation) can be found attached to this article. The following list describes every field, the datatype and the possible values for each field:
- project_id (string): unique project identifier from twingle
- project_name (string): Name of the project as set by the customer
- internal_project_id (string): if set by the customer, an internal project id or booking id for this project which is not visible for the donor
- trx_id (string): unique transaction ID from twingle
- transaction_guid (uid): unique transaction_guid that is needed for some calls on the transaction API
- parent_trx_id (string): if set, this transaction belongs to a series of recurring transactions. This ID is from the "parent", the first transaction of the series
- parent_transaction_guid (uid): if set, this transaction belongs to a series of recurring transactions. This uid is from the "parent", the first transaction of the series
- timestamp (integer): Unix timestamp of the creation of the transaction
updated_at (integer): Unix timestamp of the last update of the transaction
purpose (string): The selected purpose (donation target) of the transaction
internal_purpose_id (string): if set by the customer, an internal id for this purpose which is not visible for the donor
amount (float): decimal value of the transaction.
currency_code (string): The used currency as currency code. i.e. "EUR"
transaction_type (string): Type of the transaction, default will be "donation", could also be "membership", "membership_sponsoring" or "event"
newsletter (boolean): Is true of the user wants a newsletter
postinfo (boolean): Is true of the user wants information letters
donation_receipt (boolean): Is true if the user wants a donation receipt
payment_method (string): The used payment method. Can be one of debit_automatic, debit_manual, paypal, banktransfer, creditcard, applepay, sofortueberweisung, mobilephone_germany, paydirekt, googlepay
donation_rhythm (string): Rhythm of the payment. One of one_time, monthly, quarterly, halfyearly, yearly
debit_iban (string): Only set for debit payments, the IBAN of the donor
debit_bic (string): Only set for debit payments, the BIC of the donor
debit_account_holder (string): Only set for debit payments, the account holder
debit_mandate_reference (string): Only set for debit payments, the sepa mandat generated by twingle
banktransfer_origin_iban (string): for manually created banktransfer transaction, optional the IBAN of the donor
banktransfer_origin_bic (string): for manually created banktransfer transaction, optional the BIC of the donor
banktransfer_origin_account_holder (string): for manually created banktransfer transaction, optional the account holder of the donor
banktransfer_origin_sepa_purpose (string): for manually created banktransfer transaction, optional the sepa purpose of the donor
accounted_at (integer): Unix timestamp of the booking date for this donation on the customers account, if twingle knows about this
payout_reference (string): if twingle has a payout refrence which was used for the payout on the customers account, this field will be filled. Mostly creditcard and debit transactions
remarks (string): an optional message from the donor
products (array): List of products if this was a shop donation. Every item has a name, internal_id, count and a price
user_guid (string): The unique guid of the user, inside of twingle
person_id (string): Unique Person ID,
user_email (string): mandatory, the users email
user_gender (string): optional, the users salutation. One of male, female, divers
user_birthday (string): optional, the users birthday in format or
user_title (string): optional, the users title
user_firstname (string): optional, the users firstname
user_lastname (string): optional, the users lastname
user_street (string): optional, the users adress
user_postal_code (string): optional, the users zip code
user_city (string): optional, the users city
user_country (string): optional, two diget country code of the user. i.e. "DE"
user_company (string): optional, the users company
user_telephone (string): optional, the users telephone number, could be any format
user_extra (string): optional, if there is an extra contact field activated in the twingle project, here is the value
user_double_opt_in_date (integer): Unix timestamp of the donors double opt in, if twingle knows this
event (integer): Only set for event transactions, the id of the event where this transactions was made on
campaign_id (string): If the transaction was made for a campaign (parameter "tw_cid" was set), here is the value
donation_error (boolean): Set to true if the transaction was set to an error case, it was not booked in this case
donation_finished (boolen): Set to true if the transaction was marked as finished by the customer
donation_recurring_stopped (boolean): Set to true if a recurring transaction was stopped and will no longer booked in the future
donation_finished_date (timestamp): The time when the transaction was finished at the customers account (money arrived), can be null if we do not know this
- donation_booking_date (timestamp): The time when the transaction was booked at the donators account, can be null if we do not know this date
- credit_card_number (string): masked credit card number, e.g. xxxxxxxxxxxx1570
- credit_card_scheme (string): credit card scheme/brand, e.g. VISA, MASTERCARD, ...
- credit_card_expiry_date (integer): Unix timestamp of credit card expiration date (valid thru)
- credit_card_holder (string): credit card holder name
Attention: This fieldlist can be extended in the future. It will noch be reduced or names will change, but new fields can be added.