Documentation for webhook payload

In this article we describe the payload that is send to external Webhooks when they are activated in the twingle plattform.
An example payload for one transaction (donation) can be found attached to this article. The following list describes every field, the datatype and the possible values for each field:

  • project_id (string): unique project identifier from twingle
  • project_name (string): Name of the project as set by the customer
  • internal_project_id (string): if set by the customer, an internal project id or booking id for this project which is not visible for the donor
  • trx_id (string): unique transaction ID from twingle
  • transaction_guid (uid): unique transaction_guid that is needed for some calls on the transaction API
  • parent_trx_id (string): if set, this transaction belongs to a series of recurring transactions. This ID is from the "parent", the first transaction of the series
  • parent_transaction_guid (uid): if set, this transaction belongs to a series of recurring transactions. This uid is from the "parent", the first transaction of the series
  • timestamp (integer): Unix timestamp of the creation of the transaction
  • updated_at (integer): Unix timestamp of the last update of the transaction
  • purpose (string): The selected purpose (donation target) of the transaction
  • internal_purpose_id (string): if set by the customer, an internal id for this purpose which is not visible for the donor
  • amount (float): decimal value of the transaction. 
  • currency_code (string): The used currency as currency code. i.e. "EUR"
  • transaction_type (string): Type of the transaction, default will be "donation", could also be "membership", "membership_sponsoring" or "event"
  • newsletter (boolean): Is true of the user wants a newsletter
  • postinfo (boolean): Is true of the user wants information letters
  • donation_receipt (boolean): Is true if the user wants a donation receipt
  • payment_method (string): The used payment method. Can be one of debit_automatic, debit_manual, paypal, banktransfer, creditcard, applepay, sofortueberweisung, mobilephone_germany, paydirekt, googlepay
  • donation_rhythm (string): Rhythm of the payment. One of one_time, monthly, quarterly, halfyearly, yearly
  • debit_iban (string): Only set for debit payments, the IBAN of the donor
  • debit_bic (string): Only set for debit payments, the BIC of the donor
  • debit_account_holder (string): Only set for debit payments, the account holder
  • debit_mandate_reference (string): Only set for debit payments, the sepa mandat generated by twingle
  • banktransfer_origin_iban (string): for manually created banktransfer transaction, optional the IBAN of the donor
  • banktransfer_origin_bic (string): for manually created banktransfer transaction, optional the BIC of the donor
  • banktransfer_origin_account_holder (string): for manually created banktransfer transaction, optional the account holder of the donor
  • banktransfer_origin_sepa_purpose (string): for manually created banktransfer transaction, optional the sepa purpose of the donor
  • accounted_at (integer): Unix timestamp of the booking date for this donation on the customers account, if twingle knows about this
  • payout_reference (string): if twingle has a payout refrence which was used for the payout on the customers account, this field will be filled. Mostly creditcard and debit transactions
  • remarks (string): an optional message from the donor
  • products (array): List of products if this was a shop donation. Every item has a name, internal_id, count and a price
  • user_guid (string): The unique guid of the user, inside of twingle
  • person_id (string): Unique Person ID,
  • user_email (string): mandatory, the users email
  • user_gender (string): optional, the users salutation. One of male, female, divers
  • user_birthday (string): optional, the users birthday in format or
  • user_title (string): optional, the users title
  • user_firstname (string): optional, the users firstname
  • user_lastname (string): optional, the users lastname
  • user_street (string): optional, the users adress
  • user_postal_code (string): optional, the users zip code
  • user_city (string): optional, the users city
  • user_country (string): optional, two diget country code of the user. i.e. "DE"
  • user_company (string): optional, the users company
  • user_telephone (string): optional, the users telephone number, could be any format
  • user_extra (string): optional, if there is an extra contact field activated in the twingle project, here is the value
  • user_double_opt_in_date (integer): Unix timestamp of the donors double opt in, if twingle knows this
  • event (integer): Only set for event transactions, the id of the event where this transactions was made on
  • campaign_id (string): If the transaction was made for a campaign (parameter "tw_cid" was set), here is the value
  • donation_error (boolean): Set to true if the transaction was set to an error case, it was not booked in this case
  • donation_finished (boolen): Set to true if the transaction was marked as finished by the customer
  • donation_recurring_stopped (boolean): Set to true if a recurring transaction was stopped and will no longer booked in the future
  • donation_finished_date (timestamp): The time when the transaction was finished at the customers account (money arrived), can be null if we do not know this
  • donation_booking_date (timestamp): The time when the transaction was booked at the donators account, can be null if we do not know this date
  • credit_card_number (string):  masked credit card number, e.g. xxxxxxxxxxxx1570
  • credit_card_scheme (string): credit card scheme/brand, e.g. VISA, MASTERCARD, ...
  • credit_card_expiry_date (integer): Unix timestamp of credit card expiration date (valid thru)
  • credit_card_holder (string): credit card holder name

Attention: This fieldlist can be extended in the future. It will noch be reduced or names will change, but new fields can be added.
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